ZCON is ON for September 14-19, 2020 - see schedule below.
Please note, we may shift items as need-be, so please check back often.
Experience ZCON your way!
Your ZCON experience may be All-Week or we also offer a Weekend-Pass when registering.
A variety of scheduled and self-directed events have been organized to allow you to customize your ZCON experience!
Schedule Addition!
ZCON is pleased to welcome the Official "350Z NISMO Owners Group" Reunion during our People's Choice Car Show on Saturday, 9/19/2020!
This featured display will occur in cooperation with Nissan Motorsports (NISMO). All owners of 350z Nismo models are welcome to park with their peer 350z NISMOs in a dedicated area near the NISMO booth.
Check back often for other updates!!