ZCCA Judged and People's Choice Car Show

Thursday September 20, 2012  9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

The 2012 ZCON - ZCCA International Convention Car Show will be held on Thursday September 20, 2012 at


 Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino, 5040 Wild Horse Pass Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226.



  With plenty on parking and numerous restaurants, this is a great location for a fun filled car show.

  The car show will truly be something to experience!




  There will be four car categories:  People's Choice, Special Interest, formally judged ZCCA Car Show,

  and for the first time, a "Heritage" category is being added.  Staging will start at 7:00AM


     * People's Choice Entrants will be adjacent to formal judged car show.  Staging of People's Choice cars

        will begin at 7:00 AM on Thursday morning.


     * Judged and Special Interest Vehicle All entries to the Special Interest Category, other than those

        that have previously won a Gold Cup or Gold Medallion, will have to be approved for the Special 

        Interest Category prior to the show.  Staging will begin at 7:00 AM.


  An explanation of the car show rules and categories can be found below.


  Judged Z Car Show Rules:


     * The Z Car Club Association car show rules will be utilized for the judged car show.  If you have not

        attended a previous Z Car Convention, it is recommended that you read the  ZCCA Judging Rules

        document which will help explain categories and judging criteria.

     * Judging scores are tallied and winners are announced at the Closing Banquet ceremony.

  People's Choice Z Car Show:


     * In the People's Choice category, Z's are competing with fellow Z's of the same generation:


              *  1970 - 1978 1st Generation (240Z/260Z/280Z "S30")

              *  1979 - 1983 2nd Generation (280ZX "S130")

              *  1984 - 1989 3rd Generation (300ZX "Z31")

              *  1990 - 1996 4th Generation (300ZX "Z32")

              *  2003 - 2008 5th Generation (350Z "Z33")

              *  2009 - 2011 6th Generation (370Z "Z34")


     * Each registered convention participant receives a voting ballot to tally up their "Choice" for each

        generation of Z car.  Awards are presented Saturday at the Closing Banquet.


  People's Choice "Heritage" Vehicles Car Show:


     * In the People's Choice category for "Heritage" vehicles , vehicles are competing with fellow Datsun

        Heritage vehicles.


              *  1962 - 1970 Datsun Roadster

              *  1968 - 1974 Datsun 510

              *  1955 - 1984 Datsun Truck

              *  1937 - 1984 Other Datsun


     * Awards will be presented Saturday at the Closing Banquet.


  Gold Cup and Gold Medallion Car Show:


     * As is tradition with the ZCCA, those vehicles awarded the ZCCA Gold Cup or ZCCA Gold Medallion from

        past conventions are not eligible to compete in future events against other "Judged Car Show" entrants.


     * However, the ZCCA recognizes that bringing a Gold level car to the convention should have some

        benefits.  For 2012, the convention committee has agreed to honor these vehicles with a display area, a

        special award and a "Best Survivor" category on the People's Choice voting ballot.

     * Awards will be presented Saturday at the Closing Banquet.

  More details will be provided at a later date. Check back for updated information.


Questions?  Email us at: zcon2012@yahoo.com