Where will the track event be held?
Both the track and AX events will be held at the New Hampshire Motorsport Speedway (NHMS), located in Loudon, NH. Once you get to NHMS there will be signs directing you to the prep/staging, tech inspection, and grid areas.
On what days will they happen?
Track – On Thursday, August 8th and the AX event will be held on Friday, August 9th.
What lay-out will be used?
For the track, a north/south chicane road course will be run. The track section of the convention website has a detailed birds-eye view, but does not provide you with the elevation changes and slopes curves you will find (and enjoy).
What is the schedule for each event?
The track day runs from 8am to 5pm. Drivers will be out on the track as early as 8:30am and the AX runs will start by 9:30am. A more detailed schedule will be developed and posted separately but the AX event will end in time for folks to get back for the awards and closing banquet.
- The first car on track will be 9:45. There will be a drivers meeting and a small class room session at 9:15 AM.
- Road Course instructors and guest drivers will have a morning session @ 8:30 to 8:50 to test the track conditions and get some time in themselves.
I’m not driving but I’d like to go and watch. What do I do?
A poster board will be placed in the registration room so riders and drivers can be paired up. Come put your name on the list if you are looking for a ride or maybe you can even talk someone into letting you drive their car.
When should I leave the hotel to get there on time?
It takes approximately 45 minutes to drive to the track. A map will be provided in your registration package along with GPS coordinates.
I’m a beginner can I still register?
Yes. You can do both the AX and the track events and experience the joys of rush of both. Make sure you let us know you’ll want an instructor (we have them for both the track and the AX courses), that this is your first time and we will take it from there. Remember to breath after you come off the AX run or after drifting through a corner at 80 mph.
What should I bring with me?
Besides the usual car stuff (oil, tire pressure gauge, tools, a jack if you’re changing tires, a small tarp to cover your stiff, a chair, sunscreen, etc.) plus a helmet if you have one.
What about dual driver cars?
We will need to work with these drivers to ensure that they are not over-taxed on the track, but it can be done.
What group will I be in?
Depending on your track experience and car set-up you will be in one of several groups running that day. We will have a beginner, a moderate experienced, an experienced, and a comp license groups. There will also be a track tour group for those who want to follow a pace vehicle. For the AX runs we will record times based on car set-up and not the driver’s experience level. At this time we are proposing three (3) time groups – stock, modified, extreme mod. All cars running on non-race tires will get a 2% time reduction.
What safety equipment will I be required to have?
Depending on your run group you will at a minimum need the following: working seat belts (stock), for groups other than stock we recommend that you have either 2 or 3 inch 5/6 way safety restraint systems. A rollbar or cage is not required. A Snell 05 or newer helmet (a limited number of helmets will be available for rent). No open toe shoes or sandals. Racing suits, gloves, and shoes are suggested but not required. Convertibles must have a roll bar and have the top be run in the up position. T-tops should be removed. Motorcycle helmets are not allowed.
How long will I be on the track?
You will get about 5-10 laps (at speed) for each of your 3 sessions on the road course and 6 runs on the AX layout. In most cases a driver will do three runs in the morning and the remaining 3 runs after lunch for the AX event. The track these sessions will be spaced out over the morning and afternoon.
Will instructors be available?
Yes, but we ask that you let us know sooner than later so that we can have the right number available. All beginner and low intermediates will have instructors in their cars for all runs.
Can I purchase race fuel at the track?
Yes, NHMS sells all flavors and even has a fluid recycling station.
What will tech look for on/in my car?
After you have signed in at the gate and gone over to the staging/prep area and removed all loose items from your car (carpets, CDs, spare tire, etc.) than you will let the staging personnel know you’re ready for tech. In most cases they will give your car a quick look to see if you missed anything before directing you to the Tech Inspection area. At Tech they will be looking for any leaking fluids, a securely held down battery, loose wheels bearings, corded tires, seat belts, t-top and other loose items. Your car will get a sticker put on the windshield and you will then drive back to the staging area. From there you will then go to either the grid area or park your car and go over for a classroom session or watch others as they take their turn driving around the track. Whenever you’re not running you are free to observe those running but remember to observe the safety rules concerning access to or near the track surface.
Will there be emergency services available?
Yes. A full NASCAR style crew will be on hand should they be required.
Who will work the track?
For the road course, NHMS/NASCAR/SCCA trained corner workers will handle all of the grid, corner and safety aspects. During both the drivers’ meetingand the classroom/intro session of the track day course rules and guidelines will be discussed. For the AX course, ZCCNE and SCCNH members will staff the core positions, but all AX drivers will be required to assist.
Will there be helmets available?
Yes, we will have about a dozen rental helmets in various sizes available but it would help if you bring your own if it meets the date and type specifications. A disposable head sock will be provided in the cost of the helmet rental fee.
Is food/drinks available at the track?
Yes. NHMS has a full service food service center located on the infield of the road course.
What about autocrossing?
As mentioned earlier there will be AXing held on Friday, August 9th at NHMS in the front parking lot. The layout will be a mix of speed and technical turns to challenge your driving skills. There will a separate and mandatory drivers briefing before each group does their runs to discuss and go over safety and work assignment issues.
Will there be a separate tech/staging/prep area for the AX event?
Yes. All staging/prep and tech inspections will be performed in the staging parking lot and this location will be indentified by signs leading you to the right place.
What classes will run?
The current plan is to run three (3) classes: stock, modified and extreme. The classification will depend on the number of modifications (eg., suspension, engine, drivetrain, etc.). All cars driven on street tires will get a 2% reduction in time.
How many runs should I expect to get?
Six (6), with three in the morning and three in the afternoon. We will end the event in time for everyone to get back in time for the awards and closing banquet.
Will I have to work an AX session?
Yes. Everyone will be required to work a session. The most common task is corner worker. The job function and safety issues will have been covered either at the driver’s meeting or during the AX intro briefing.
Will there be awards for the track and AX events?
There will only be awards for the best AX times in each class.
What and when is the track tour?
The tour will take place at or near the end of the day. All drivers and there passengers will follow a pace vehicle at a set speed for several laps around the track.
Will there be something to do after the track event?
If you mean other than telling long tales of your track abilities and best times, then yes. There will be a New England style seafood and clambake for all convention members who signed up for this treat. For all those folks who didn’t do the track event and spent the day driving and/or shopping, all roads lead to the track, so they can meet there for dinner too.
Road Course Rules
The goal of the track events is to have fun and drive your car in a safe environment, free of radar traps and oncoming traffic. As expected and #1 is safety. Based on this very specific rules will apply:
- All drivers will be grouped by experience and modifications to the car. A specific windshield visor graphic provided. These will be color coded.
- This is a lapping event at speed and laps will not be timed. Anyone caught timing their laps will be off the track for the rest of the day.
- The first lap of each session will be under a full track yellow.
- You will only be allowed to pass at a designated spot on the track, if and only if the car in front of you signals you to pass.
- Cars must maintain a safe distance between the car in front of you. This is in case a car spins.
If you go off track the following rules apply:
- One tire off and able to continue, all corner workers will be notified and you will be carefully watched for safe driving.
- Two tires off and you will be black flagged for a lap to have a discussion with Race Control and/or instructor.
- Three or more tires off and you will only be allowed back on the track if an instructor and Race Control agree that you are safe to enter the track.
- Any unsafe driving can eliminate you from being able to continue driving on the track. Again the safety of you and others is the number one priority.
- Race Control and the Instructors have the final say is all decisions.
It is important to note that all the Corners Workers, Race Control, and Safety Crews will be on the radio making sure you comply with these rules and requirements. Flag color and your reaction to each is listed below:
- Yellow Flag ( solid ) Take care, Slow down immediately. If a static flag, none waving, the caution is for the point where the flag is displayed until the next corner station. No passing allowed.
- Yellow Flag ( solid ) If waiving, great danger exists, be prepared to stop immediately. No passing allowed.
- Blue Flag with Diagonal Yellow Stripe – Another car if following you to closely. Since this is not a race, this will not be a passing flag. You should consider allowing the car to pass “only” in the designated passing area. If you are the car that is to close to the car in front of you, you need to back off immediately.
- Yellow Flag with vertical red stripes – This is a Surface condition flag and will be displayed when surface conditions are slick due to oil, and/or other debris on track.
- White Flag – This flag will be displayed if an emergency vehicle is on the track or there is a slow moving vehicle in the race line. Take care and treat like a yellow. The corner worker may direct you to a specific side of the track.
- Black Flag – Complete the lap you are on and immediately go to the pit lane for a consultation.
- Black and Red Flag displayed at the same time. – Immediately go to the pit lane and stop until further notified.
- Black Flag with an Orange Ball – This is a mechanical Black Flag and you are to proceed to the pit immediately.
- Red Flag – Come to an immediate, safe stop and do not proceed until notified.